Leahs Pizzeria & Restaurant in Muskego, Wisconsin at S63W13640 Janesville Rd (this address actually works in a GPS) has some of the all time best Garlic Bread I have ever eaten in my life!!
So first off, let me explain how I discovered Leahs in Wisconsin, which by the way, is not that far, with no traffic, and worth the trip if yer in or around Milwaukee, wi. Anyway, how I know bout this spot.... The owners son, used to live across the alley, and then across the street from me in any almost parallel location on the his block as I am on mine. I met this guy years ago in improv classes, and later did a few shows with him in the city. There came a point where he owed me money, he was bad with debt, so to ease me, he would give up frozen pizza, lasagna, and garlic bread he had from his dads place. Even though it was he and his wife's dinner, I appreciated the gesture as it became mine & my wife's dinner. As we ate these frozen pizzas and what not, we couldn't believe how freakin good it was, and even after being frozen. So I couldn't wait to get there and have it fresh. And I finally did after years of not having it delivered to me as a lame form of payment. He actually still owes mr a hefty amoutn of cash, and I paid full price at the restaurant when I ate there after driving for almost an hour and forty five to get there. Sheesh!
Now the food.
Seriously some of the most Monte-licious Garlic Bread I have ever eaten in my life. They bake the bread in house as a loaf, cut the loaf into a bit of a cubed, rectangular loaf, then soak in a garlic infused butter and re bake it till it's golden brownish/yellow. And it is crispy, buttery, garlicky, crunchy deliciousness you have not had anywhere else.
I had the lasagna which is not made in a sheet, stored in a fridge and served as ordered. Their lasagna is made fresh in a personal ramekin bowl. It is made with mozzarella cheese vs. ricotta, and they put mushrooms under the first layer of cheese for an extra special flavor in the meat lasagna. The sauce is rich, robust, and full of flavor that is fresh.
My buddy had the steak sand wich which looked, and tasted ridiculous. It comed served on their garlic bread, with a baked on melted cheese, oh my god was it delicious. The steak is a thinly sliced rib eye I believe, smothered in sweated down onions. So good.
So id yer near Milwaukee, or feel like makin a trip, check it out.
One other funny thing, the menu references to "Care and Smiles" at Leahs, and every time I called for the hours, or my wife would call to ask a question, or even when my buddies wife called to double check hours on our way up, the guy who answered the phone was really suspicious, and kinda jerky over the phone. But when we ate there, we met the culprit, and he was surprisingly nice.